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The scale_xxx_xxx family of functions makes it easy to format axis text in decimal format, as percentages or as currencies.


  name = waiver(),
  breaks = waiver(),
  minor_breaks = waiver(),
  guide = waiver(),
  n.breaks = NULL,
  labels = waiver(),
  limits = NULL,
  expand = waiver(),
  oob = censor,
  na.value = NA_real_,
  trans = "identity",
  position = "bottom",
  sec.axis = waiver(),
  accuracy = 1,
  scale = 1,
  prefix = "",
  suffix = "",
  big.mark = NULL,
  decimal.mark = NULL,
  trim = TRUE,

  name = waiver(),
  breaks = waiver(),
  minor_breaks = waiver(),
  guide = waiver(),
  n.breaks = NULL,
  labels = waiver(),
  limits = NULL,
  expand = waiver(),
  oob = censor,
  na.value = NA_real_,
  trans = "identity",
  position = "left",
  sec.axis = waiver(),
  accuracy = 1,
  scale = 1,
  prefix = "",
  suffix = "",
  big.mark = NULL,
  decimal.mark = NULL,
  trim = TRUE,

  name = waiver(),
  breaks = waiver(),
  minor_breaks = waiver(),
  guide = waiver(),
  n.breaks = NULL,
  labels = waiver(),
  limits = NULL,
  expand = waiver(),
  oob = censor,
  na.value = NA_real_,
  trans = "identity",
  position = "bottom",
  sec.axis = waiver(),
  accuracy = 1,
  scale = 100,
  prefix = "",
  suffix = NULL,
  big.mark = NULL,
  decimal.mark = NULL,
  trim = TRUE,

  name = waiver(),
  breaks = waiver(),
  minor_breaks = waiver(),
  guide = waiver(),
  n.breaks = NULL,
  labels = waiver(),
  limits = NULL,
  expand = waiver(),
  oob = censor,
  na.value = NA_real_,
  trans = "identity",
  position = "left",
  sec.axis = waiver(),
  accuracy = 1,
  scale = 100,
  prefix = "",
  suffix = NULL,
  big.mark = NULL,
  decimal.mark = NULL,
  trim = TRUE,

  name = waiver(),
  breaks = waiver(),
  minor_breaks = waiver(),
  guide = waiver(),
  n.breaks = NULL,
  labels = waiver(),
  limits = NULL,
  expand = waiver(),
  oob = censor,
  na.value = NA_real_,
  trans = "identity",
  position = "bottom",
  sec.axis = waiver(),
  accuracy = 1,
  scale = 1,
  prefix = NULL,
  suffix = NULL,
  big.mark = NULL,
  decimal.mark = NULL,
  currency = "EUR",
  trim = TRUE,

  name = waiver(),
  breaks = waiver(),
  minor_breaks = waiver(),
  guide = waiver(),
  n.breaks = NULL,
  labels = waiver(),
  limits = NULL,
  expand = waiver(),
  oob = censor,
  na.value = NA_real_,
  trans = "identity",
  position = "bottom",
  sec.axis = waiver(),
  accuracy = 1,
  scale = 1,
  prefix = NULL,
  suffix = NULL,
  big.mark = NULL,
  decimal.mark = NULL,
  currency = "EUR",
  trim = TRUE,



The name of the scale. Used as the axis or legend title. If waiver(), the default, the name of the scale is taken from the first mapping used for that aesthetic. If NULL, the legend title will be omitted.


One of:

  • NULL for no breaks

  • waiver() for the default breaks computed by the transformation object

  • A numeric vector of positions

  • A function that takes the limits as input and returns breaks as output (e.g., a function returned by scales::extended_breaks()). Note that for position scales, limits are provided after scale expansion. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


One of:

  • NULL for no minor breaks

  • waiver() for the default breaks (one minor break between each major break)

  • A numeric vector of positions

  • A function that given the limits returns a vector of minor breaks. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation. When the function has two arguments, it will be given the limits and major breaks.


A function used to create a guide or its name. See guides() for more information.


An integer guiding the number of major breaks. The algorithm may choose a slightly different number to ensure nice break labels. Will only have an effect if breaks = waiver(). Use NULL to use the default number of breaks given by the transformation.


One of:

  • NULL for no labels

  • waiver() for the default labels computed by the transformation object

  • A character vector giving labels (must be same length as breaks)

  • An expression vector (must be the same length as breaks). See ?plotmath for details.

  • A function that takes the breaks as input and returns labels as output. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.


One of:

  • NULL to use the default scale range

  • A numeric vector of length two providing limits of the scale. Use NA to refer to the existing minimum or maximum

  • A function that accepts the existing (automatic) limits and returns new limits. Also accepts rlang lambda function notation. Note that setting limits on positional scales will remove data outside of the limits. If the purpose is to zoom, use the limit argument in the coordinate system (see coord_cartesian()).


For position scales, a vector of range expansion constants used to add some padding around the data to ensure that they are placed some distance away from the axes. Use the convenience function expansion() to generate the values for the expand argument. The defaults are to expand the scale by 5% on each side for continuous variables, and by 0.6 units on each side for discrete variables.


One of:

  • Function that handles limits outside of the scale limits (out of bounds). Also accepts rlang lambda function notation.

  • The default (scales::censor()) replaces out of bounds values with NA.

  • scales::squish() for squishing out of bounds values into range.

  • scales::squish_infinite() for squishing infinite values into range.


Missing values will be replaced with this value.


[Deprecated] Deprecated in favour of transform.


For position scales, The position of the axis. left or right for y axes, top or bottom for x axes.


sec_axis() is used to specify a secondary axis.


A number to round to. Use (e.g.) 0.01 to show 2 decimal places of precision. If NULL, the default, uses a heuristic that should ensure breaks have the minimum number of digits needed to show the difference between adjacent values.

Applied to rescaled data.


A scaling factor: x will be multiplied by scale before formatting. This is useful if the underlying data is very small or very large.


Additional text to display before the number. The suffix is applied to absolute value before style_positive and style_negative are processed so that prefix = "$" will yield (e.g.) -$1 and ($1).


Additional text to display after the number.


Character used between every 3 digits to separate thousands.


The character to be used to indicate the numeric decimal point.


Logical, if FALSE, values are right-justified to a common width (see base::format()).


Other arguments passed on to scale_(x|y)_continuous()


currency symbol


  • the number ones format axis text in decimal format.

  • the percent ones format axis text as percentages.

  • the currency ones format axis text as currencies.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
demo_number(c(-1e6, 1e6), scale_name = "number_de")
demo_number(c(-1, 1), scale_name = "percent_de")
demo_number(c(-1e4, 1e4), scale_name = "currency_de")
} # }